Thursday, March 31, 2011

President Obama Unveils Energy Plan

In a speech earlier today (yesterday in the USA) at Georgetown University, President Obama unveiled a new energy plan for the nation.

In his speech, Obama cited the increasing uncertainty about the safety and security of energy, noting last year's Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, the recent turmoil in the Middle East around major oil producing nations, and the earthquakes and subsequent nuclear crisis in Japan.

As such, his administration today has released a "Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future", with an ultimate goal to reduce oil imports (currently 11 million barrels per day) by one-third by the end of the decade. This will be achieved with the blueprint aimed to:
  • Develop and secure America's energy supplies
  • Provide consumers with choices to reduce costs and save energy
  • Innovate our way to a clean energy future
You can view his full speech below:

Or you can read a transcript of his speech here.

Also, click here to read the "Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future"

1 comment:

  1. "Hey, theres a broken link in this article, under the anchor text - here
    Here is the working link so you can replace it -"
